The Team

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”  – Henry Ford

Midwestern Storm Trackers was founded on January 17, 2021, when a small group of friends who share the same passion for weather they decided to create a Facebook page and website to keep their families and friends updated when they are out storm chasing. As a team our mission is to provide ground truth weather reports to the National Weather Service also to locals, we also provide live streams and quality photos and videos, and promoting weather safety online and out in the field to make communities more prepared for severe weather!

Lucas Munzlinger 👑

Lucy Sardiello 👑

Michael Onesty 👑

Kaden Foster

Jacob Spink

Zach Spink

Jackson Wright

Austin Grubb

Joshua Velehradsky 

Gage Robins

Dave Berry





As Seen On